Best Fertility Centre – Dr. Swapna Naik

Fertility Preservation

What is Fertility Preservation? 

Fertility preservation refers to various techniques and treatments designed to protect a person’s fertility potential. This is particularly relevant for individuals facing medical conditions such as cancer, which may require therapies that can compromise reproductive health.

Importance of Fertility Preservation: 

Preserving fertility offers peace of mind and future reproductive options to individuals who may undergo treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgeries that could affect their ability to conceive naturally.

Methods of Fertility Preservation:

  1. Egg Freezing (Oocyte Cryopreservation): This involves retrieving and freezing a woman’s eggs for future use. It’s a widely used method for those undergoing cancer treatments or other medical procedures that may impact fertility.

  2. Sperm Freezing (Sperm Cryopreservation): Men can freeze their sperm samples, ensuring the preservation of viable sperm for future fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

  3. Embryo Cryopreservation: Couples undergoing IVF can opt to freeze embryos that are not immediately transferred. These embryos can be stored and used later for additional attempts at pregnancy.

  4. Ovarian Tissue Freezing: In cases where immediate egg retrieval isn’t feasible, ovarian tissue containing immature eggs can be surgically removed, frozen, and later transplanted or matured in a laboratory setting.

Who Should Consider Fertility Preservation? 

Individuals diagnosed with cancer, autoimmune diseases, or other conditions that may compromise fertility should discuss fertility preservation options with their healthcare providers before starting treatment. Additionally, those planning to delay childbearing due to personal or professional reasons may also benefit from exploring these options.

Benefits and Success Rates: 

The success of fertility preservation techniques varies based on factors such as age, overall health, and the specific method used. Egg freezing, for example, has seen significant advancements in success rates due to improved cryopreservation techniques.

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